Sound Phase

Sound Phase
A flux of diverse sound-based performances, presentations and events, including music, poetry, sound projects, and vinyl nights, in cross-disciplined mixtures by students, faculty, and selected outside artists.
Events include:
- Jan 9 – Feb 10: Screenings of ASK and Register in the Mezzanine
- Jan 11 | 3 PM: An Introduction to Sound Design and Soundtracks with Woody Hood
- Jan 13 | 11 AM: Hauntology Experiments (Part 3) with Woody Hood
- Jan 24 | 2-4:30 PM: Found Sounds class with Laura Mullen (open for observation)
- Jan 25 | 5-7 PM: Laura Jaramillo & Jose deVera: Poetry Reading + Art Talk
- Jan 27 | 5-7 PM: Improvisational music with Laurent Estoppey and David Menestres
- Feb 1 | 12:30-1:45 PM: Gamelan Open Rehearsal: Music of the Walking Warriors with Elizabeth Clendinning
- Feb 8 | 12:30-1:45 PM: Gamelan Open Rehearsal: Music of the Walking Warriors with Elizabeth Clendinning
For up-to-date information, check out our events calendar and follow us on instagram @hanesgallery.