Ronaldo V. Wilson

Ronaldo V. Wilson
Artist-in-Residence and Exhibition
For 10 days, multidiscplinary artist Ronaldo V. Wilson will be in residence at the Hanes Gallery. On display in the Main Gallery will be notebooks of his drawings, framed collages, Mylar/Mono-prints, and a large-scale installation that he will create during his residency. Wilson’s video work, featured in the Gallery’s Mezzanine, will showcase selections from the Color Series (2014).
RONALDO V. WILSON, PhD, poet, interdisciplinary artist, and academic, is the author of Narrative of the Life of the Brown Boy and the White Man, winner of the Cave Canem Prize; Poems of the Black Object, winner of the Thom Gunn Award for Gay Poetry and the Asian American Literary Award in Poetry; Farther Traveler: Poetry, Prose, Other, finalist for a Thom Gunn Award for Gay Poetry; and Lucy 72. His latest books are Carmelina: Figures and Virgil Kills: Stories. The recipient of numerous fellowships, including Cave Canem, the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown, the Ford Foundation, Kundiman, MacDowell, The Robert Rauschenberg Foundation, and Yaddo. Wilson is Professor of Creative Writing and Literature at U.C. Santa Cruz, serving on the core faculty of the Creative Critical PhD Program; principal faculty member of CRES (Critical Race and Ethnic Studies); and affiliate faculty member of DANM (Digital Arts and New Media).
Monday, February 13: Install
Open to the public, Ronaldo V. Wilson and Hanes Gallery staff will be installing artwork that spans a 20 year studio practice. Throughout this 10 day residency, works will be moved, adjusted, and made new as a part of Ronaldo’s artistic practice.
Tuesday, February 14: Class Visits
11 AM – 12:15 PM: First-Year Seminar with Laura Mullen & Christina Soriano
2 – 4:30 PM: Collaborations Class with Laura Mullen
Wednesday, February 15: Poetry Reading Performance & Reception
5 – 7 PM: Open and free to the public. Ronaldo V Wilson will perform in the Hanes Gallery where he incorporates dance, costume, and freestyle into his poetry.
Thursday, February 16: Class Visits & Studio Time
11 AM – 12:15 PM: Black Queer & Trans Studies Class with Prof. Jaimie Cory
Friday, February 17: Studio Time
Open to public. Come into the Gallery to see Ronaldo’s work-in-progress. Speak with the artist and learn more as you observe his artistic process.
WEEKEND: Studio Time (CLOSED to the public)
Monday, February 20: Praxis Conversation with WFU Studio Art Faculty and Students
Open to the public. Professor Leigh Ann Hallberg (Drawing) and Professor Joe deVera (Painting) will join Ronaldo V. Wilson in a conversation about art and practice.
Tuesday, February 21: Closing Performance + Reception
Reflecting upon his 10-days in residence, Wilson will perform a walk-through performance in the Main Gallery. Guests will be invited to interact with the works as Wilson creates a movement-based response to his 2-Dimensional works.
This final event is invitation only. For information on how to receive an invitation, follow our instagram account (@hanesgallery).
This visit is funded and made possible by the William R. Kenan Jr Professor in the Humanities.
Wednesday, February 15, 5-7 PM