Constructing Nature:
Constructing Nature:
Labor, Leisure and Exploration
MARCH 2 – MAY 18, 2020
Through the centuries people have used nature in a variety of ways. The earth provides sustenance, and the forces of wind and water provide power to shape our world. Buildings have been imposed on challenging natural settings, and nature has exercised its power over them, causing them to crumble into ruin. The landscape calls us to explore, wonder and refresh our spirits. Using prints from Wake Forest’s Art Department’s Print Collection, as well as objects from the ZSR Library’s Special Collections and the Anthropology Museum, the exhibit brings together works from the 15th through the 20th century, and includes works by well-known artists like Piranesi, Millet, and Cezanne.
Organization: The exhibit is organized by the students in a seminar on the history of Early Modern Prints, taught by Bernadine Barnes, professor of art history.